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Cum on Donut

Published: August 28, 2020

We dive deep into our member suggestions list this week and find this hidden gem of an idea – for me to eat a cum-glazed donut! As soon as I read it I could picture it in my head – Bruce’s white cum covering the dark chocolate in perfect strings, just like a cooking show… the reality turned out a bit different! They make the top layer too slippery for us perverts, who want to *see* the cum while we eat it. It kept sliding into the center hole!

Oh well – we had a great time anyway! What other piss and cum covered food would you like to watch me eat next?

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Innocent girl pissing in the street (AI generated)Innocent girl pissing in the street (AI generated)Innocent girl pissing in the street (AI generated)Innocent girl pissing in the street (AI generated)