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When Pissing in a Kitchen Mixing Bowl Turns Into the Finest Example of Being Little Miss Adhd with Naked Story Telling

Published: December 20, 2024
Oh goodness! This is quite the video where I’m the chatterbox that you know and love after a desperate piss into a mixing bowl in the kitchen upon returning from a middle of the night toilet trip from my sidekick. Whenever I start filming a video I never know how it’s going to turn out, or what’s going to come out my mouth and what topics they might be. Today’s sidetracked chatter ends up with me showing you some recent DIY projects and some old artwork I made because my bed was covered in carnage due to new artwork that I’m making. Unfortunately the cancer that I had in the mid 90’s has meant that sitting down on a regular seat is exceptionally hurtful after not very long. Gently pottering about is infinitely better than resting like a normal person and so sitting up in bed is my default position when my legs and feet need a rest. I think I need two beds! Haha. A day bed for doing artwork and other work and a night bed for the usual night time activities.
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